LFP Ink & Media
Diatec is Ireland’s largest HP LFP ink & media supplier locally stocking HP ink & media in our Dublin warehouse for next-day delivery countrywide in Ireland. Our team of consumable specialists are there to assist you with Ink, Media & other Consumables at competitive prices and usually from stock with next-day delivery.

Ink and Media for Large Format Graphic Arts and Display Graphics
HP Original Latex Ink Cartridges; HP UV flat-bed Ink & Durst Vanguard flat-bed Ink.
Are you interested in reducing your ink costs?
Diatec’s purchasing team is continually negotiating the best bulk purchases and optimising our supply chain to keep our prices competitive and stocks available. We stock thousands of inks, printheads, cleaning kits and a range of tested and approved media for the range of HP Latex, HP Latex flat-bed, HP UV flat-bed and Durst Vanguard UV flat-bed LFPs, (Large Format Printers). Diatec work only with products that are sustainable and responsibly sourced.
HP Planet Partners is HP’s recycling program for HP end-of-life printing supplies. Once you are done with your HP ink cartridges, you can have them recycled using the HP Planet Partner Box Delivery & Collection Service for original HP Ink Cartridges and Printheads. All that is required is a sign-up to the program.
Get the best deal on ORIGINAL HP Ink CARTRIDGES with next day delivery. Talk to one of the team on +353 1 8530661 option 1 or email lfpink@diatec.ie
Need LFP Graphic Arts and Display Graphics Media? Talk to one of the team and discuss your requirements including:
- 150g White-Back Poster Paper
- 180mic Polysol Roll-up Film
- 380mic Polysol Pop-up Film
- Charisma Backlit Textile
- 150mic Floor & Wall Vinyl
- Boost your profits with digital décor - Premium digitally printable wallcoverings & Architectural films and finishes for glass.
Email lfpink@diatec.ie or call our consumables team on +353 1 8530661
Option 1.

Ink & Media for CAD Plotting & Printing output
Are you interested in reducing your ink costs?
Diatec’s purchasing team is continually negotiating the best bulk purchases and optimising our supply chain to keep our prices competitive and stocks available. We stock thousands of inks, printheads, cleaning kits and a range of tested and approved media for the range of HP Designjet, HP XL PageWide and competitive manufacturers including Canon/Oce, Ricoh, KIP, and Xerox LFPs (Large Format Printers), plotters & MFPs (Multi-Function Printers). Diatec work only with products that are sustainable and responsibly sourced.
HP Planet Partners is HP’s recycling program for HP end-of-life printing supplies. Once you are done with your HP ink cartridges, you can have them recycled using the HP Planet Partner Box Delivery & Collection Service for original HP Ink Cartridges and Printheads. All that is required is a sign-up to the program.

HP Original Designjet, XL PageWide Ink
Get the best deal on ORIGINAL HP Ink CARTRIDGES with next day delivery. Talk to one of the team on +353 1 8530661 option 1 or email lfpink@diatec.ie
Ink Cartridges & Toner for Competitive brands - OCE/Canon, KIP, Ricoh & Xerox.
Diatec source & supply a complete range of competitive Large Format inks & toners. Talk to one of the team on +353 1 8530661 option 1 or email lfpink@diatec.ie
Plotter Paper & other media:
Talk to one of the team on +353 1 8530661 option 1 or email lfpink@diatec.ie